Physics-2 Lab Reports


⇴ Lab Report 1: To determine the specific heat of a liquid by the method of cooling.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 2: To determine the value of J, the mechanical equivalent heat by electrical method.Pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 3: To determine the spring constant and effective mass of a given spiral spring.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 4: To determine the acceleration due to gravity by means of a compound pendulam.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 5.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 6: To determine the refractive index of the material of prism using a spectrometer.pdf DONWLOAD 
⇴ Lab Report 7:To verify the laws of transverse vibration of string and determine the frequency of a tuning fork by melde's experiment.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 8: To determine the radius of curvature of a Piano Convex lens using Newton's rings.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 9: To determine DC and AC voltage and frequencies, using cathode ray oscilloscope.pdf DOWNLOAD
⇴ Lab Report 10: To determine the focal length and hence power of a convex lens by displacement method using optical bench.pdf DOWNLOAD

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